Lab Management
For over 50 years, the Universities Research Association has engaged in laboratory management and continues to contribute to the national science enterprise through management and operating (M&O) contracts with the Department of Energy. Today, URA participates in key partnerships and M&O contracts which include the Fermi Research Alliance, National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia (NTESS), and the National Science Foundation.
Fermi Research Alliance:
Since URA’s founding, it has been responsible for the management and operation (M&O) of the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), the premier particle physics laboratory in the United States. In 2007, URA joined with the University of Chicago to form the Fermi Research Alliance, LLC (FRA), which serves as the current M&O contractor for the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab). The FRA is governed by its Board of Directors, a 13-15-person board of individuals from industry, business, and academia that provides critical insight and direction to Fermilab. To find out more about FRA click here.
National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia (NTESS)
In 2016, URA assumed an important supporting role as part of the Honeywell-led NTESS M&O contractor team supporting the excellent science, technology, and engineering (ST&E) research and development at Sandia National Laboratories. Through a site office reporting to the Sandia Chief Research Officer, URA supports external calibration, strategic planning, university partnerships, and diverse talent development for Sandia’s ST&E organizations. In addition, URA assists Sandia to identify and assess current and future research fields that align with the Laboratories’ mission. The URA President serves on Sandia National Laboratories’ Board of Managers and chairs the Science, Technology, and Engineering Committee, providing key leadership and perspectives. To find out more about the Sandia National Laboratories click here.
Pierre Auger Observatory
URA supports continuing operations of the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina for the National Science Foundation. The URA President is a member of the Pierre Auger Finance Board helping to coordinate work for the observatory between U.S. participants and their scientific collaborators from more than 14 partner countries. To find out more about the Pierre Auger Observatory-URA collaboration click here.
Photo credit (above): Ryan Postel, Fermilab