Sandia National Laboratories is America’s multi-mission laboratory conducting science-based research and development that support U.S. national security. Sandia National Laboratories delivers essential engineering, science, and technology to help resolve our nation’s most challenging security issues. The Lab’s research staff work at the forefront of innovation, lead collaborative efforts with universities, industry, and other government agencies, and develop diverse research projects with significant potential impact.
The Labs accomplish their missions in four strategic areas: nuclear weapons, national security, energy, and global security. As a leader in technology innovation, Sandia integrates its unique resources and exceptional talent to invest research efforts in technical areas strongly tied to national security. Sandia drives research in seven areas that encompass a wide range of disciplines, from the life and physical sciences to microelectronics and information systems. These research foundations include Bioscience, Computing and Information Science, Engineering Science, Earth Science, Materials Science, Nanodevices and Microsystems, and Radiation, Electrical and High Energy Density Science. Within each foundation, the Lab works with academic and business leadership to support essential activities that translate into invention, innovation, entrepreneurship, economic opportunity, and public benefit.
Sandia’s Laboratory Directed R&D (LDRD) is a funding source that encourages revolutionary explorations of science and technology to solve our nation’s greatest challenges. LDRD invests in high-risk, potentially high-payoff activities that enable national security missions and advance the frontiers of science and engineering. Sandia’s LDRD program has the flexibility to anticipate and respond quickly to future mission needs and to explore potentially revolutionary advances in science and technology.
Sandia National Laboratories is managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC. (NTESS), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc. NTESS is a contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) with URA as a subcontractor to NTESS. Sandia’s primary locations are in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Livermore, California.