URA is organized under the authority of its governing body, the Council of Presidents, comprised of its member universities. The management of URA affairs is delegated to the Board of Trustees or officers of the Corporation pursuant to the URA Bylaws. Member institutions are represented through the Council of Presidents by their president/chancellor or by their under signee.
At its annual meeting held in Washington, D.C. between January and February, the Council elects its Chair and Vice Chair from nominees provided by the Board of Trustees or offered from the floor. New members may be nominated by any group of ten-member institutions and are elected by a two-thirds majority at its annual meeting for a term of one year. The Council of Presidents provides policy guidance to the Board of Trustees as it may consider appropriate. The Council of Presidents may, by majority vote, amend the URA Bylaws upon resolution of the Board of Trustees or upon written proposal signed by 5 members of the Council.