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SCOPE: Science Communication Opportunity for Projects in Energy ura-nrel fellowship

The SCOPE Fellowship for current or recent graduate students in STEM, social sciences, and other energy-related majors offers an experience in energy research and enhancement of science communication skills. SCOPE is a partnership between NREL and URA to achieve the goal of strengthening the dialogue between early career scientists and the public on issues related to energy technology and policy.

A roomful of students look at computer monitors in a lab
U.S. Capitol building

SPARC: Science Policy & Advocacy For Research Competition

SPARC is a Science Policy & Advocacy for Research Competition for Graduate Students pursuing STEM research who are interested in developing skills in science communication, advocacy, and legislative research. SPARC’s goal is to spark student portfolios in science policy and engagement for the benefit of society. The 10-week virtual program culminates in active science advocacy and a competition. Three winning graduates students will visit Washington D.C. to speak with congresspersons on Capitol Hill and other federal policymakers.

URA Undergraduate Women in STEM

Summer undergraduate internship at Fermilab for underrepresented women in STEM. To introduce undergraduate women in STEM to science policy, interns of this program visit Washington D.C. to learn about the science & technology policy process in the nation’s capital.

A roomful of students look at computer monitors in a lab
U.S. Capitol building

URA-Hosted Research and Science Policy Forums

URA hosts research and Science Policy Forums convening leaders in research communities across academia, national laboratories, and government to serve the critical needs of all stakeholders in shaping the future of the national science and research enterprise.


URA Council of Presidents Policy Forum

URA hosted its 59th Annual Council of Presidents Meeting & Policy Forum, reporting on URA’s business activities and programs and providing a forum for an exchange of ideas on advancing research programs across national laboratories and URA’s academic consortium.

A roomful of students look at computer monitors in a lab